Hello again, lovely people on my email list — it’s been a while! I think I last emailed in summer, over a year ago. Today is my birthday, I’m turning 33. This year has felt like running down a hallway in the dark (like most years prior). Just pumping without really knowing a destination. I will say, I’m immensely grateful for this year. I feel like I’ve come to many realizations about my practice, my work, and my desires. I’ve had to come to terms with considerable professional rejection this year, and just continue on in spite of it. Many things - awards, grants, contests - that I was keeping all my little fingers and toes crossed for, didn’t pan out. But alas, I have really learned to shave time off the ego-recovery period this year and just wallow for a moment and then keep on making, creating, applying, and whatnot - it’s all I can do! This October was also two years since I had two spine surgeries. I’ve had to grapple with what my body can and can’t do in the wake of that trauma. This year, especially, the way in which I do shoots and make art - as well as the frequency with which they occur - has shifted. I am happy with the balance and my ability to listen to my body. As Kylie Jenner has famously said, “I feel like every year has a new energy, and I feel like this year is really about, like, the year of just realizing stuff.”

In September, I put out my latest issue of Bound Leather zine (Volume 18). It is a compendium of all cowboy/western related shoots from over the years, along with some artwork and writing of mine. I also managed to wrangle iconic tattooer and illustrator, Truck R. Pills for two full-page drawings in this issue, and I’m so grateful! This issue as well as my previous issue were stocked by Printed Matter; however, I fear they are both currently out of stock. You can purchase both on my web store, though!

Installation of “Flaming Star” at Satellite Art Show, Lower East Side, NY

Installation of SACRARiUM at Satellite Art Show, Williamsburg, NY

Installation of Florida Man Cave at Satellite Art Show, Miami Beach, FL [#NotBasel]

Also just want to thank the fine folks at Satellite Art Show for really being such champions of my work this year. They have give me three different platforms to show work and have been just extremely welcoming, lovely, and make me feel extremely valued. I was first able to do a solo show entitled “Flaming Stars” at their Lower East Side space as a 1-day event during their 30 Lovers in 30 Days month - in which a different artist had a solo show each day of the month. They then generously included me and gave me ample space in their summer takeover of an abandoned warehouse in Williamsburg. I was able to work with installation and imagined spaces/rooms again, an output I thoroughly enjoy but rarely have the space and opportunity to explore. I even was able to have a performative aspect this time with a few different volunteer submissives to be chained to the bed. And finally, and most recently, they brought my work down to Miami for their takeover during ArtBasel. I can’t say enough good things - definitely a warm, welcoming, lovely community and I’m so grateful to be involved with them.

I have more to update and share with you, as it’s been over a year since I wrote. But I’m late for a birthday thing and I think this is a lot to digest already. So I’ll send another email soon - maybe at the end of the week. More exciting work that’s out as well as announcements of forthcoming ventures! Thanks for reading and sticking with me.

Lots of love in leather & life,
Steven Harwick

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