Exciting news to start the new year: my photo (above) has been nominated for this year’s MorePixx competition. It’s purely vote-based from here on out, with winners to be announced at Darklands in Antwerp. I’d greatly appreciate y’all clicking the link below ASAP and voting for the above photo! You have to choose 2, so pick whichever your heart desires - there’s great photography up for a vote! I also have been told that if I provide a direct link, sometimes it misinterprets it as someone who has already voted and won’t allow you to vote twice. So the button below will just bring you to the general website, and then please click on “VOTE MOREPIXX 2025” at the top header menu bar (seen below) and cast your votes! I’d really appreciate this - it would help me out a lot and would be a total honor to place in the finals!

Anyway, it’s a slow start to the new year, just crawling through January and beginning to form some ideas of what I hope to accomplish this year. I desperately want to phase out socials and stick to newsletters and blasts as main source of updates, so tell your friends! Have them subscribe to my email list (at the bottom of the about page of my website).
Just for fun, here’s a playlist of what I’ve been playing on loop this month (on Apple Music): here. Hope you don’t hate it. Be in touch.
Lots of love in leather & life,
Steven Harwick